The Basic
Line Editing
Your book has already been through careful review by your beta readers. Your content editor has given his or her sign-off. All you need is a qualified someone to give it a thorough once-over: to make sure you’ve got all your “there/they’re/their” correct; that you don’t have “peak” where you mean “peek” or “pique”; and heaven forbid, to stop you from using “smirk” as a dialogue tag. In this type of editing, I check for punctuation, basic grammar, and typos. This is a two-round process, providing for a second pass after you’ve made the edits I recommended. This ensures that in the flurry of comma splices and single quotes where you meant to use double not an error went unnoticed and everything is picture-perfect.
Please contact for pricing.
The Deluxe
Content Editing
You’ve written from your heart. Everything you want is on those pages. Your beta readers have told you who their favorite characters are and if they like the way your plotline went. But you want to make sure that your vision of your story is as crystal clear to the readers at large as it is to you. Does it make sense? Are some of those things that until now existed only in your imagination even possible? In this type of editing, I fact-check. I make sure that you really can take a red-eye flight from this place to that place. I monitor your story flow, making sure you don’t skim over details at key points and drag out events that should be condensed. And at this level, I also perform all of the line editing functions of correcting punctuation, grammar, and typos. Like The Basic above, this is also a two-round process.
Please contact for pricing.
The Sampler
Editorial Review
Do you need to cut 10,000 words to earn your manuscript a fair shot while querying agents? Do you want to know if the ideas you have are worth pursuing in a full-length book, or would a novella work better? Then you need an editorial review. No actual edits are performed in this service, but I will read every word you have and provide comprehensive notes on your manuscript, focusing not only on the areas on which you are seeking guidance but also performing a holistic review of your story.
$75 for manuscripts up to 40,000 words
$150 for 40,001-60,000 words
$225 for 60,001-80,000 words
$300 for 80,001-100,000 words
For works over 100,000 words, fees are a combination of the amounts above which correspond to your word count.
(All prices are based on the length of the material as submitted.)
The Lagniappe
Bible Creation
Can’t remember if your character fell out of that tree on his sixth or seventh birthday? Is your heroine allergic to vodka…or was it tequila? I will happily read your book or series and create a bible for you containing all the vital details in a handy spreadsheet. In addition to the standard categories of names, nicknames, hair and eye color, I will customize your bible to catalog any details you would like to track, and I’ll also add any categories that feel like something you’re going to want to refer back to later. Your bible will also include a detailed plot summary and timeline for tracking events.
$2.50 per 1000 words or .0025/word
All jobs have a $25 minimum.
Make sure you read your book all the way through before you submit it. You’d be amazed what words you think are there when you’re writing that didn’t actually make it on the page.
If your book arrives with an excessive number of errors—the average is 2 per 1000 words—please be prepared either to have it returned to you unedited with information on the work you will need to do to get it edit-ready, or we can discuss upcharge options for the extra time it will require to complete edits. You deserve to have the best-edited book you can get, and proper preparation on your part will make this process easier. On both of us.
Style Guide: I follow the Chicago Manual of Style and utilize the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Unless requested otherwise, I also employ the Oxford comma.